
Movie Birds of Prey USA dual audio gostream with Ewan McGregor







Story A twisted tale told by Harley Quinn herself, when Gotham's most nefariously narcissistic villain, Roman Sionis, and his zealous right-hand, Zsasz, put a target on a young girl named Cass, the city is turned upside down looking for her. Harley, Huntress, Black Canary and Renee Montoya's paths collide, and the unlikely foursome have no choice but to team up to take Roman down; casts Margot Robbie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead; Creator Christina Hodson; Englisch Deutsch   edit   NOUN    a bird of prey, birds of prey SYNO    bird of prey, raptor, raptorial bird – orn. bird of prey Greifvogel {m} orn. bird of prey Raubvogel {m} orn. bird of prey demonstration Greifvogelschau {f} sports Bird of Prey course [ski   race course] Raubvogelpiste {f} Teilweise Übereinstimmung bot. bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise family {sg} family   Strelitziaceae] Strelitziengewächse {pl} orn. bird - of -Providence / bird of Providence [Pterodroma   solandri] Solandersturmvogel / Solander-Sturmvogel {m} zool. animal of prey Raubtier {n} zool. beast of prey Raubtier {n} orn. birds of prey Raubvögel {pl} orn. feathers of prey Beutefedern {pl} fish fish of prey Raubfisch {m} bot. bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise (bush) Caesalpinia   gilliesii, syn. Erythrostemon gilliesii, Poinciana gilliesii] Paradiesvogelbaum {m} bot. Erythrostemon gilliesii, Poinciana gilliesii] Paradiesvogelstrauch {m} bot. bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise shrub [Caesalpinia   gilliesii, syn. desert bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise [Caesalpinia   gilliesii, syn. Mexican bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise [Caesalpinia   gilliesii, syn. yellow bird - of -paradise / bird of paradise [Caesalpinia   gilliesii, syn. Erythrostemon gilliesii, Poinciana gilliesii] Paradiesvogelstrauch {m} to be the prey of sb. jds. Opfer sein to be the prey of sth. Opfer von etw. sein F lit. Birds of Prey [Wilbur   Smith] Der Flug des Seeadlers games Bird's Opening [chess] Bird -Eröffnung {f} Schach] orn. bird of passage Wandervogel {m} orn. bird of passage Zugvogel {m} orn. species of bird Vogelart {f} orn. type of bird Vogelart {f} orn. bird of paradise [Paradisaeida] Paradiesvogel {m} bird of the sun Sonnenvogel {m} orn. genus of birds / bird Vogelgattung {f} orn. species of bird - of -paradise [also:   species of bird of paradise] Paradiesvogelart {f} bird of ill omen böses Vorzeichen {n} orn. native (species of) bird heimische Vogelart {f} orn. scale of bird's leg Laufschuppe {f} bot. bird of paradise [Strelitzia   reginae] Königin-Strelitzie {f} bot. bird of paradise [Strelitzia   reginae] Königs-Strelitzie {f} orn. Arfak bird of paradise [Astrapia   nigra] Fächerparadieselster {f} orn. arfak bird of paradise [Astrapia   nigra] Fächerparadieselster {f} bot. bird - of -paradise flower [Strelitzia   reginae] Paradiesvogelblume {f} orn. blue bird of paradise [Paradisaea   rudolphi] Blauparadiesvogel {m} orn. blue bird - of -paradise [Paradisaea   rudolphi] Blauparadiesvogel {m} orn. crested bird of paradise [Cnemophilus   macgregorii] Furchenparadiesvogel {m} orn. Emperor bird of paradise [Paradisaea   guilielmi] Kaiserparadiesvogel {m} orn. king bird of paradise [Cicinnurus   regius] Königsparadiesvogel {m} bot. Mexican bird of paradise [Caesalpinia   pulcherrima] Pfauenstrauch {m} orn. Raggiana bird of paradise [Paradisaea   raggiana] Raggiparadiesvogel {m} bot. red bird of paradise [Caesalpinia   pulcherrima] Pfauenstrauch {m} orn. red bird of paradise [Paradisaea   rubra] Rotparadiesvogel {m} Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen! Bitte immer nur genau eine Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung eintragen (Formatierung siehe Guidelines) möglichst mit einem guten Beleg im Kommentarfeld. Wichtig: Bitte hilf auch bei der Prüfung anderer Übersetzung svorschläge mit! Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Mehr Informationen! Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch. Vielen Dank dafür! Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen! Fragen und Antworten.

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Yırtıcı kular türkçe dublaj izle izle 2018. Y c4 b1rt c4 b1c c4 b1 ku c5 9flar battery. Y c4 b1rt c4 b1c c4 b1 ku c5 9flar driver. Filmhandlung und Hintergrund Im „Suicide Squad“-Spin-off kehrt Margot Robbie als Anti-Heldin Harley Quinn zurück, um mit den Birds of Prey ein weibliches Superheldinnen-Team zu gründen. Schon im DC-Superhelden-Blockbuster „ Suicide Squad “ von 2016 war Margot Robbie als Harley Quinn die eigentliche Hauptfigur. Die Freundin des Jokers ( Jared Leto) konnte mit ihrem überzogenen Look punkten und hatte das Herz am rechten Fleck. Mit „Birds of Prey“ erhält die Anti-Heldin nicht nur ein Spin-off, sondern gleich eine eigene Clique an Superheldinnen. Am 7. Februar 2020 startet „Birds of Prey: The Emancipation of Harley Quinn“ in den deutschen Kinos. Die FSK erteilte die Freigabe ab 16 Jahren. In den Trailern seht ihr die weibliche Action in voller Gänze „Birds of Prey“ 2020 — Handlung In Gotham City schläft das Verbrechen nie. Keiner weiß das so gut wie Harley Quinn, die als Therapeutin im Arkham Asylum dem Joker verfallen ist, bevor sie von ihrem Geliebten verraten, gefoltert und schließlich in seine treueste Komplizin verwandelt wurde. Doch seit den Ereignissen aus „Suicide Squad“ beginnt Harley Quinn, ihre Vergangenheit und Beziehung zum Joker zu hinterfragen. Mit der Trennung von Joker steht Harley Quinn in „Birds of Prey“ auf eigenen Beinen. Während sich Harley zunächst noch sicher fühlt und ihre Trennung vom Joker vor der Unterwelt Gothams geheim hält, wird ihr schon bald klar, dass viele ihren Kopf fordern. Black Mask ( Ewan McGregor) steht ganz oben auf der Liste ihrer Feinde, der seinen Handlanger Victor Zsasz ( Chris Messina) für die blutigen Probleme entsendet. Dazu gesellen sich später noch Dinah Lance alias Black Canary ( Jurnee Smollett-Bell) Helena Bertinelli alias Huntress ( Mary Elizabeth Winstead) und die Polizistin Renee Montoya ( Rosie Perez. Ihre und Harleys Wege kreuzen sich nicht zuletzt wegen der Teenagerin Cassandra Cain ( Ella Jay Basco) die im Besitz eines wertvollen Gegenstands ist. „Birds of Prey“ — Besetzung und Hintergründe Nach dem kontrovers aufgenommenen Vorgänger „Suicide Squad“ im Jahr 2016 haben die Verantwortlichen von Warner beschlossen, mit „Birds of Prey“ einen neuen Weg einzuschlagen. An der Spitze des Projekts steht Hauptdarstellerin Margot Robbie auch als Produzentin, die eine neue, frische Herangehensweise sowie ein hartes R-Rating durchgesetzt hat. „Birds of Prey“ soll sich an ein erwachsenes Publikum richten. Mit  Cathy Yan („Dead Pigs“) konnte eine Regisseurin für das Projekt gefunden werden, das Drehbuch ist von  Christina Hodson verfasst, die derzeit auch an einem kommenden „Batgirl“-Film arbeitet. Frauenpower verspricht auch der Soundtrack, der ausschließlich mit weiblichen Künstlern überzeugt. Die Comic-Hintergründe der weiblichen DC-Heldinnengruppe Birds of Prey geht in die 90er Jahre zurück. Dort formierte das ehemalige Batgirl, die querschnittsgelähmte Barbara Gordon, mit neuem Alias „Oracle“ eine weibliche Heldinnentruppe. An der Spitze standen Huntress, die ihre Gegner mit einer Armbrust besiegt, und Black Canary, die dank ihres sirenenartigen Schreis ihre Gegner außer Gefecht setzt. Harley Quinn war zunächst nur eine Widersacherin der Heldinnen. Bilderstrecke starten (7 Bilder) Alle Bilder und Videos zu Birds of Prey: The Emancipation of Harley Quinn Darsteller und Crew Videos und Bilder Kritiken und Bewertungen Wie bewertest du den Film? News und Stories Eines steht schon mal fest: Mit Chad Stahelski, Regisseur der „John Wick“-Trilogie, ist schon mal Action satt angesagt bei „Birds of Prey“. Hy Quan Quach   31. 01. 2020 Kurz vor dem deutschen Kinostart von „Birds of Prey“ gibt es die ersten Reaktionen online zu lesen. Und sie klingen wirklich vielversprechend. Hy Quan Quach   30. 2020 Nach dem Erfolg von „Joker“ war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis DC weitere Filme mit R-Rating ankündigt. „Birds of Prey“ wird eine hohe FSK bekommen. Helena Ceredov   28. 2020 Das DC-Studio Warner lernt vom phänomenalen Erfolg des „Joker“-Films. Andreas Engelhardt   27. 11. 2019 Kommentare.

Birds of prey, or raptors, include species of bird that primarily hunt and feed on vertebrates that are large relative to the hunter. Additionally, they have keen eyesight for detecting food at a distance or during flight, strong feet equipped with talons for grasping or killing prey, and powerful, curved beaks for tearing flesh. [1] 2] 3] The term raptor is derived from the Latin word rapio, meaning to seize or take by force. [4] In addition to hunting live prey, most also eat carrion, at least occasionally, and vultures and condors eat carrion as their main food source. [1] Although the term bird of prey could theoretically be taken to include all birds that primarily consume animals, 3] ornithologists typically use the narrower definition followed in this page. citation needed] Examples of animal-eating birds not encompassed by the ornithological definition include storks, herons, gulls, skuas, penguins, kookaburras, and shrikes, as well as the many songbirds that are primarily insectivorous. Common names [ edit] The common names for various birds of prey are based on structure, but many of the traditional names do not reflect the evolutionary relationships between the groups. Variations in shape and size Eagles tend to be large birds with long, broad wings and massive feet. Booted eagles have legs and feet feathered to the toes and build very large stick nests. The bald eagle has become a symbol for the USA. [5] Ospreys, a single species found worldwide that specializes in catching fish and builds large stick nests. Kites have long wings and relatively weak legs. They spend much of their time soaring. They will take live vertebrate prey, but mostly feed on insects or even carrion. The true hawks are medium-sized birds of prey that usually belong to the genus Accipiter (see below. They are mainly woodland birds that hunt by sudden dashes from a concealed perch. They usually have long tails for tight steering. Buzzards are medium-large raptors with robust bodies and broad wings, or, alternatively, any bird of the genus Buteo (also commonly known as "hawks" in North America, while "buzzard" is colloquially used for vultures. Harriers are large, slender hawk-like birds with long tails and long thin legs. Most use a combination of keen eyesight and hearing to hunt small vertebrates, gliding on their long broad wings and circling low over grasslands and marshes. Vultures are carrion-eating raptors of two distinct biological families: the Accipitridae, which occurs only in the Eastern Hemisphere; and the Cathartidae, which occurs only in the Western Hemisphere. Members of both groups have heads either partly or fully devoid of feathers. Falcons are medium-size birds of prey with long pointed wings. They belong to the Falconidae family, rather than the Accipitridae (accipiters. Many are particularly swift flyers. Caracaras are a distinct subgroup of the Falconidae unique to the New World, and most common in the Neotropics – their broad wings, naked faces and appetites of a generalist suggest some level of convergence with either the Buteo s or the vulturine birds, or both. Owls are variable-sized, typically night-specialized hunting birds. They fly almost silently due to their special feather structure that reduces turbulence. They have particularly acute hearing. Many of these English language group names originally referred to particular species encountered in Britain. As English-speaking people travelled further, the familiar names were applied to new birds with similar characteristics. Names that have generalised this way include: kite ( Milvus milvus) sparrow-hawk or sparhawk ( Accipiter nisus) goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis) kestrel ( Falco tinninculus) hobby ( Falco subbuteo) harrier (simplified from "hen-harrier" Circus cyaneus) buzzard ( Buteo buteo. Some names have not generalised, and refer to single species (or groups of closely related (sub)species) merlin ( Falco columbarius) osprey ( Pandion haliaetus. Systematics [ edit] Historical classifications [ edit] The taxonomy of Carl Linnaeus grouped birds (class Aves) into orders, genera, and species, with no formal ranks between genus and order. He placed all birds of prey into a single order, Accipitres, subdividing this into four genera: Vultur (vultures) Falco (eagles, hawks, falcons, etc. Strix (owls) and Lanius (shrikes. This approach was followed by subsequent authors such as Gmelin, Latham, and Turnton. Louis Pierre Veillot used additional ranks: order, tribe, family, genus, species. Birds of prey (order Accipitres) were divided into diurnal and nocturnal tribes; the owls remained monogeneric (family Ægolii, genus Strix) whilst the diurnal raptors were divided into three families: Vulturini, Gypaëti, and Accipitrini. [6] Thus Veillot's families were similar to the Linnaean genera, with the difference that shrikes were no longer included amongst the birds of prey. In addition to the original Vultur and Falco (now reduced in scope) Veillot adopted four genera from Savigny: Phene, Haliæetus, Pandion, and Elanus. He also introduced five new genera of vultures ( Gypagus, Catharista, Daptrius, Ibycter, Polyborus) note 1] and eleven new genera of accipitrines ( Aquila, Circaëtus, Circus, Buteo, Milvus, Ictinia, Physeta, Harpia, Spizaëtus, Asturina, Sparvius. Modern systematics [ edit] The order Accipitriformes is believed to have originated 44 million years ago when it split from the common ancestor of the secretarybird ( Sagittarius serpentarius) and the accipitrid species. [7] The phylogeny of Accipitriformes is complex and difficult to unravel. Widespread paraphylies were observed in many phylogenetic studies. [8] 9] 10] 11] 12] More recent and detailed studies show similar results. [13] However, according to the findings of a 2014 study, the sister relationship between larger clades of Accipitriformes was well supported (e. g. relationship of Harpagus kites to buzzards and sea eagles and these latter two with Accipiter hawks are sister taxa of the clade containing Aquilinae and Harpiinae. 7] The diurnal birds of prey are formally classified into five families of two orders. Accipitridae: hawks, eagles, buzzards, harriers, kites, and Old World vultures Pandionidae: the osprey Sagittariidae: the secretarybird Falconidae: falcons, caracaras, and forest falcons Cathartidae: New World vultures These families were traditionally grouped together in a single order Falconiformes but are now split into two orders, the Falconiformes and Accipitriformes. The Cathartidae are sometimes placed separately in an enlarged stork family, Ciconiiformes, and may be raised to an order of their own, Cathartiiformes. The secretary bird and/or osprey are sometimes listed as subfamilies of Acciptridae: Sagittariinae and Pandioninae, respectively. Australia's letter-winged kite is a member of the family Accipitridae, although it is a nocturnal bird. The nocturnal birds of prey – the owls – are classified separately as members of two extant families of the order Strigiformes: Strigidae: typical owls" Tytonidae: barn and bay owls Phylogeny [ edit] Below is a simplified phylogeny of Telluraves which is the clade where the birds of prey belong to along with passerines and several near-passerine lineages. [14] 15] 16] The orders in bold text are birds of prey orders; this is to show the polyphly of the group as well as their relationships to other birds. Migration [ edit] Migratory behaviour evolved multiple times within accipitrid raptors. The earliest event occurred nearly 14 to 12 million years ago. This result seems to be one of the oldest dates published so far in the case of birds of prey. [7] For example, a previous reconstruction of migratory behaviour in one Buteo clade [12] with a result of the origin of migration around 5 million years ago was also supported by that study. Migratory species of raptors had a southern origin because it seems that all of the major lineages within Accipitridae had an origin to one of the biogeographic realms of the Southern Hemisphere. The appearance of migratory behaviour occurred in the tropics parallel with the range expansion of migratory species to temperate habitats. [7] Similar results of southern origin in other taxonomic groups can be found in the literature. [17] 18] 19] Distribution and biogeographic history highly determine the origin of migration in birds of prey. Based on some comparative analyses, diet breadth also has an effect on the evolution of migratory behaviour in this group, 7] but its relevance needs further investigation. The evolution of migration in animals seems to be a complex and difficult topic with many unanswered questions. A recent study discovered new connections between migration and the ecology, life history of raptors. A brief overview from abstract of the published paper shows that "clutch size and hunting strategies have been proved to be the most important variables in shaping distribution areas, and also the geographic dissimilarities may mask important relationships between life history traits and migratory behaviours. The West Palearctic-Afrotropical and the North-South American migratory systems are fundamentally different from the East Palearctic-Indomalayan system, owing to the presence versus absence of ecological barriers. 20] Maximum entropy modelling can help in answering the question: why species winters at one location while the others are elsewhere. Temperature and precipitation related factors differ in the limitation of species distributions. "This suggests that the migratory behaviours differ among the three main migratory routes for these species" 20] which may have important conservational consequences in the protection of migratory raptors. Sexual dimorphism [ edit] Shikra females have yellow eyes Raptors are known to display patterns of sexual dimorphism. It is commonly believed that the dimorphisms found in raptors occur due to sexual selection or environmental factors. In general, hypotheses in favor of ecological factors being the cause for sexual dimorphism in raptors are rejected. This is because the ecological model is less parsimonious, meaning that its explanation is more complex than that of the sexual selection model. Additionally, ecological models are much harder to test because a great deal of data is required. [21] Dimorphisms can also be the product of intrasexual selection between males and females. It appears that both sexes of the species play a role in the sexual dimorphism within raptors; females tend to compete with other females to find good places to nest and attract males, and males competing with other males for adequate hunting ground so they appear as the most healthy mate. [22] It has also been proposed that sexual dimorphism is merely the product of disruptive selection, and is merely a stepping stone in the process of speciation, especially if the traits that define gender are independent across a species. Sexual dimorphism can be viewed as something that can accelerate the rate of speciation. [23] In non-predatory birds, males are typically larger than females. However, in birds of prey, the opposite is the case. For instance, the kestrel is a type of falcon in which males are the primary providers, and the females are responsible for nurturing the young. In this species, the smaller the kestrels are, the less food is needed and thus, they can survive in environments that are harsher. This is particularly true in the male kestrels. It has become more energetically favorable for male kestrels to remain smaller than their female counterparts because smaller males have an agility advantage when it comes to defending the nest and hunting. Larger females are favored because they can incubate larger numbers of offspring, while also being able to breed a larger clutch size. [24] See also [ edit] Origin of birds Notes [ edit] Veillot included the caracaras ( Daptrius, Ibycter, and Polyborus) in Vulturini, though it is now known that they are related to falcons. References [ edit] a b Perrins, Christopher, M; Middleton, Alex, L. A., eds. (1984. The Encyclopaedia of Birds. Guild Publishing. p. 102. ^ Fowler, D. W. Freedman, E. A. Scannella, J. B. (2009. Predatory Functional Morphology in raptors: Interdigital Variation in Talon Size Is Related to Prey Restraint and Immobilisation Technique. PLoS ONE. 4 (11) e7999. Bibcode: 2009PLoSO. 4. 7999F. doi: 10. 1371. PMC   2776979. PMID   19946365. ^ a b Burton, Philip (1989. Birds of Prey. illustrated by Boyer, Trevor; Ellis, Malcolm; Thelwell, David. Gallery Books. p.  8. ISBN   978-0-8317-6381-7. ^ Brown, Leslie (1997. Chancellor Press. ISBN   978-1-85152-732-8. ^ Our National Symbol. American Eagle Foundation. Retrieved 27 October 2019. ^ Veillot, Louis Pierre (1816. Saunders, Howard (ed. Analyse d'une nouvelle ornithologie élémentaire (in French) London 1883 ed. Willughby Society. ^ a b c d e Nagy, J. Tökölyi, J. (2014. Phylogeny, historical biogeography and the evolution of migration in accipitrid birds of prey (Aves: Accipitriformes. PDF. Ornis Hungarica. 22 (1) 15–35. 2478/orhu-2014-0008. ^ Motta-Junior; et al., eds. (2004. Raptors worldwide (PDF. 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Huerta-Cepas, J. Rekepalli, B. Munch, K. "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds" PDF. Science. 346 (6215) 1320–1331. Bibcode: 2014Sci. 346. 1320J. 1126/science. 1253451. PMC   4405904. PMID   25504713. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-02-24. Retrieved 2017-07-09. ^ Joseph, L. Lessa, E. Christidis, L. (1999. Phylogeny and biogeography in the evolution of migration: shorebirds of the Charadrius complex. 26 (2) 329–342. 1046/j. 1999. 00269. x. ^ Outlaw, Diana C. Voelker, Gary; Mila, Borja; Girman, Derek J. (2003. Evolution of Long-Distance Migration in and Historical Biogeography of Catharus Thrushes: A Molecular Phylogenetic Approach. The Auk. 120 (2) 299. 1642/0004-8038(2003)120[0299:EOLMIA]2. ;2. ISSN   0004-8038. JSTOR   4090182. ^ Milá, B. Smith, T. Wayne, R. K. (2006. Postglacial population expansion drives the evolution of long–distance migration in a songbird. Evolution. 60 (11) 2403–2409. 0014-3820. 2006. tb01875. PMID   17236431. ^ a b Nagy, Jenő; Végvári, Zsolt; Varga, Zoltán (2016. Life history traits, bioclimate, and migratory systems of accipitrid birds of prey (Aves: Accipitriformes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 121: 63–71. 1093/biolinnean/blw021. ^ Mueller, H. "The Evolution of Reversed Sexual Dimorphism in Owls: An Empirical Analysis of Possible Selective Factors. The Wilson Bulletin. 98 (3) 387–406. ^ Wiehn, J. Korpimakki, E. Massemin, S. (2000. Reversed sexual size dimorphism in raptors: evaluation of the hypotheses in kestrels breeding in a temporally changing environment. Oecologia. 124 (1) 26–32. Bibcode: 2000Oecol. 124. 26M. 1007/s004420050021. PMID   28308409. ^ BOLNICK, David; DOEBEL, Michael (November 2003. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM AND ADAPTIVE SPECIATION: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME ECOLOGICAL COIN. The Society of Evolution. 57 (11. ^ Sonerud, G; Steen, R; Low, L; Roed, L. Skar, K. Selas, V; Slagsvold, T (2013. Size-biased allocation of prey from male to offspring via female: family conflicts, prey selection, and evolution of sexual size dimorphism in raptors. Oceologa. 172 (1) 93–107. Bibcode: 2013Oecol. 172. 93S. 1007/s00442-012-2491-9. PMID   23073637. Further reading [ edit] Brown, Leslie (2013. British birds of prey: a study of Britain's 24 diurnal raptors. Hammersmith, London: HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN   9780007406487. Dunne, Pete; Karlson, Kevin (2017. Birds of Prey Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, and Vultures of North America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN   9780544018440. OCLC   953709935. Macdonald Lockhart, James (2017. Raptor: a journey through birds. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN   9780226470580. OCLC   959200538. Mackenzie, John P. (1997. Birds of prey. Toronto, Ont: Key Porter Books. ISBN   9781550138030. OCLC   37041161. Newman, Kenneth (1999. Kenneth Newman's birds of prey of southern Africa: rulers of the skies: an identification guide to 67 species of southern African raptors. Knysna, South Africa: Korck Pub. ISBN   978-0620245364. OCLC   54470834. Olsen, Jerry 2014, Australian High Country raptors, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, ISBN   9780643109162. Remsen, J. V. Jr., C. Cadena, A. Jaramillo, M. Nores, J. Pacheco, M. Robbins, T. Schulenberg, F. Stiles, D. Stotz, and K. Zimmer. [Version 2007-04-05. A classification of the bird species of South America. American Ornithologists' Union. Accessed 2007-04-10. Yamazaki, Tour (2012. Field guide to Raptors of Asia. London: Asian Raptor research and Conservation Network. ISBN   9786021963531. OCLC   857105968. External links [ edit] Bird of prey at the Encyclopædia Britannica Explore Birds of Prey with The Peregrine Fund Birds of Prey on the Internet Bird Collection Bird of Prey Pictures Global Raptor Information Network The Arboretum at Flagstaff's Wild Birds of Prey Program Raptor Resource Project.

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